
Intellectual property


K&P.Group's intellectual property protection practices — where the intangible becomes tangible”

Anna Molchanova


We will provide a full range of services for the protection and protection of IP facilities in Russia and abroad. We will advise, register facilities, carry out contractual work, and represent interests in Rospatent, courts and antimonopoly authorities.


We will protect brands, identity, corporate identity and business reputation of companies, and we will fight against counterfeiting

  • We will register trademarks and industrial designs in Russia and abroad
  • We will support cases involving challenging and terminating the legal protection of trademarks, we will represent interests in Rospatent and in court
  • We will help you fight against counterfeits and unfair competition (by copying the appearance of the product or label, the copyright holder's corporate identity)
  • We will help you enter trademarks into the customs register of intellectual property
  • We will represent interests in customs authorities on intellectual property protection
  • We will help you register domain names and support domain disputes
  • We will advise on compliance with advertising legislation and represent interests in cases involving violations of advertising laws
  • We will protect our business reputation


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We will protect copyright and related rights, creativity

  • We will register and protect software (software) and help you enter it into the domestic software register
  • We will protect the rights to design, photography, musical and literary works, theatrical productions and films
  • We will represent interests in disputes over copyright infringement
  • We will support transactions involving copyright and related rights
  • We will help you resolve issues related to museum law


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Let's protect industrial property

  • We will help you patent inventions, utility models and industrial designs
  • We will support patent disputes


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We will provide a comprehensive service “IP compliance and IP management in the company”

We will organize a regime for the protection of intellectual property in the company, including:

  • We will register rights: we will draw up copyright agreements and agreements for the creation of intellectual property objects, we will protect the rights to intellectual property
  • We will help you carry out state registration of intellectual property rights
  • Let's protect trade secrets and know-how
  • We will develop strategies for managing intellectual property in the company
  • We will formalize transactions for the disposal of intellectual property rights (franchise agreements, license agreements, agreements on the alienation of rights)
  • We will support disputes related to the creation and use of intellectual property
  • We will support disputes related to the protection of trade secrets and confidential information
  • We will advise you on tax risk management in the field of intellectual property


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We will protect information and personal data

  • We will check the company's compliance with the requirements of personal data legislation
  • We will develop documentation for the protection of personal data
  • We will protect against violations on the Internet, including through interaction with search engine operators


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Защитим информацию и персональные данные

  • Проверим соответствие требованиям законодательства о персональных данных
  • Разработаем документацию по защите персональных данных
  • Защитим от нарушений в интернете, в том числе будем взаимодействовать с операторами поисковых систем


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Защитим честь, достоинство и деловую репутацию

  • Разработаем стратегию и тактику, которая включает в себя разные инструменты, в том числе используем право на забвение в интернете, судебную защиту, усилим позицию с использованием уголовно-правовых способов
  • Определим надлежащего ответчика и сформулируем корректные требования
  • Поможем нотариально обеспечить доказательства
  • Сформируем доказательственную базу, в том числе поможем доказать наличие сформированной деловой репутации и обосновать причиненный ущерб для заявления требований о компенсации
  • Определим необходимость проведения специальных экспертиз (лингвистических, медицинских и др.)
  • Проконсультируем по вопросам защиты чести, достоинства и деловой репутации при взаимодействии со СМИ


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Anna Molchanova

Anna Molchanova

Deputy Managing Partner, Head of Intellectual Property Practice, Attorney, Patent Attorney

Anna Molchanova
Anna Molchanova
Internship materials

Internship materials

Corporate culture

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Anna Molchanova

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Торговая сеть «Монетка» решила оспорить регистрацию марки CoolCola


Рейтинги практики

Рейтинги практики
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