Legal representation and disputes


We'll do everything we can to win your case.”

Igor Ozersky


More than 30 years of experience. Among the founders of the practice are Natalya Kanishevskaya, former judge of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the USSR, and Vladimir Kochetov, laureate of the Themis Supreme Legal Award. By bringing together several generations of lawyers, we have formed a strong, well-coordinated team that can successfully support even the most complex projects. Our creative and creative approach allows us to find optimal solutions for our customers, even in the most difficult situations.


Commercial disputes

  • We will represent business in state and arbitration courts
  • We will help not only in the arbitration process, but also in commercial arbitration (ICAC, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, RAC, etc.). K&P.Group partners are arbitrators in a number of arbitration institutions (commercial arbitration): the RSPP Arbitration Center and the ICAC under the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • We will advise you at all stages of the trial
  • We will develop comprehensive dispute resolution strategies and develop tactics for conducting each individual process, depending on the instance and nature of the dispute
  • We will assess the prospects of the dispute and provide a second opinion
  • We will represent interests in high-complexity cases


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Challenging acts of state bodies

  • We will successfully challenge regulatory and non-regulatory legal acts and create a precedent
  • We will develop a comprehensive dispute resolution strategy and develop tactics for conducting each individual process, depending on the nature of the disputed act
  • We will challenge the acts of the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation, Rospotrebnadzor, the antimonopoly authority, tax authorities, Roszdravnadzor, and orders of supreme municipal authorities
  • Igor Ozersky, Managing Partner of K&P.Group, has published numerous scientific articles on challenging government acts
  • The first in Russia to be challenged in court by Roszdravnadzor in all instances


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Corporate disputes

  • We will develop a comprehensive and comprehensive case strategy and develop tactics for each individual dispute
  • We will support international corporate conflicts
  • We will help you settle the dispute through a settlement agreement
  • We will take part in negotiations
  • We will hold general meetings
  • We will represent the interests of owners in the event of corporate conflicts in all instances
  • We will challenge the decisions of the general meetings, we will request documents
  • We will help you obtain interim measures


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Antitrust disputes

  • We will represent interests in the antimonopoly authority
  • We will represent interests in cases involving violations of antitrust laws (abuse of a dominant position, cartel agreements, unfair competition, etc.), legislation on advertising, trade regulation, and the procurement of goods
  • We will support disputes related to the inclusion of persons in the register of unscrupulous suppliers
  • We will challenge the decisions and actions of the antimonopoly authority in court
  • We will file lawsuits with the courts to recover damage caused by third parties through violation of antitrust laws
  • We will advise you on compliance with antitrust laws as part of current business activities
  • We will support disputes related to unfair competition
  • We will support disputes arising from government contracts


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Tax disputes

  • We will accompany the tax audit: we will analyze the requirements received from the tax authority, develop a legal position, and prepare objections to tax audit reports
  • We will challenge the acts of the tax authorities in court, including the amount of the fine
  • We will appeal against decisions of tax authorities, actions or omissions of tax officials to higher tax authorities
  • We will apply to the court for interim measures in the form of suspending the disputed non-regulatory act of the tax authority
  • We will conduct a legal examination and support the bankruptcy of the organization if there are requirements from the tax authority


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Real estate disputes

  • We will support disputes under construction contracts and investment contracts
  • We will support disputes arising from lease agreements: disputes with government agencies supervising the construction industry, land disputes
  • We will challenge the cadastral value
  • We will protect owners in disputes over the seizure of real estate for state and municipal needs
  • We will support disputes over the recovery of real estate from someone else's illegal possession
  • We will help you recognize ownership of real estate


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Bankruptcy disputes

On the debtor's side

  • We will initiate bankruptcy proceedings for the debtor company, including selecting candidates for arbitration managers
  • We will help you include the debt in the register of claims of the debtor's creditors
  • We will protect the company's owners and top managers from subsidiary liability
  • We will challenge bankruptcy transactions

On the creditor's side

  • We will help you include debt in the register of claims of the debtor's creditors
  • We will challenge bankruptcy transactions
  • We will help bring the CDL to subsidiary liability


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Intellectual disputes and protection of business reputation

  • We will help you fight against counterfeiting and unfair competition (copying the appearance of a product or label, the copyright holder's corporate identity) in court and antitrust authorities
  • We will support cases involving the challenge and termination of legal protection of trademarks, and we will represent interests in Rospatent and the courts
  • We will represent interests in cases involving violations of advertising laws
  • We will protect our business reputation
  • We will represent interests in customs authorities on intellectual property protection
  • We will represent interests in disputes over copyright infringement (design, photographs, musical and literary works, theatrical productions and films)
  • We will support disputes related to the creation and use of intellectual property
  • We will protect against unfair competition in antitrust authorities and in court
  • We will support disputes related to the protection of trade secrets and confidential information
  • We will support patent disputes
  • We will support domain disputes


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International disputes

  • We will support international commercial arbitration and disputes abroad
  • We will support disputes related to the collection of contractual debts, losses, the collection and application of contractual sanctions, as well as other disputes related to the introduction of international financial and legal sanctions
  • We will protect the assets of legal entities and their beneficiaries
  • We will advise and represent interests on obtaining an anti-claim ban


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Family and inheritance disputes

  • We will represent clients in court disputes in the field of family and inheritance law, as well as during negotiations within the framework of pre-trial settlement
  • We will represent clients in resolving labor disputes
  • We will provide comprehensive support to employers on labor law issues and conduct a personnel audit


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Dina Shibzukhova

Dina Shibzukhova

First Deputy Managing Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution and Corporate Practice

Dina Shibzukhova
Dina Shibzukhova
Internship materials

Internship materials

Corporate culture

We protected the manufacturer from the competitor's unfair behavior

We protected the interests of a major international energy company at the Federal Antimonopoly Service

They challenged the inaction of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in court and ordered to conclude a lease agreement at a price of 15 rubles per hectare per year for 49 years

The decision of Roszdravnadzor was challenged in all instances

Новое назначение в практике разрешения споров

Nadezhda Emelina

A resounding victory for the K&P.Group team: a high-profile dispute over the recovery of more than 200 million rubles in success fees


Рейтинги практики

Рейтинги практики
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