Kaliningrad branch
The beginning of the practice
About the branch
About the branch
year of joining the Bureau
The Kaliningrad branch provides a wide range of legal services in various areas of law, representing clients in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction at all levels.
The priority area is the management of complex legal disputes:
- Land disputes
- Construction and real estate disputes, including disputes over the recognition of ownership of unauthorized buildings and reconstructed facilities
- Challenging actions and decisions of state bodies
- Arbitration, commercial disputes
- Corporate disputes
- Bankruptcy of legal entities
- Tax disputes
- Intellectual property disputes
- Consumer protection, including disputes with medical organizations
- Family, inheritance and other civil disputes
Andrey Vladimirovich Potemkin
Head of the Kaliningrad Branch, Attorney

Russian State University named after V.I. Immanuel Kant
- Land disputes
- Real estate and construction
- Disputes with public authorities
- Commercial disputes
Professional activity
- More than 20 years of legal practice
- Accredited as an independent expert in the field of combating corruption
- He held senior positions in the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, in the Office of Rosreestr
- Since 2012, he has served in the Arbitration Court of the Kaliningrad Region
- He heads the Baltic branch of the Arbitration Center under the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
Public activities
- Member of the International Union of Lawyers
- Member of the Moscow Lawyers Club
- Member of the International Association of Lawyers and Consultants
- Laureate of the Themis Higher Legal Award
Branch team
Branch team

Legal practice
More than 10 years of legal practice
Andrey Vlasenko
Head of General Civil Dispute Resolution Practice
Specialization: civil, family, inheritance cases, consumer protection, debt collection, contractual work.
Кейсы филиала
Кейсы филиала
Добились решения о признании недействительным изъятия свидетельства об управлении безопасностью рыболовного судна
Читать кейс
Branch contacts
Branch contacts
We are in touch, come visit us
Kaliningrad, Basseynaya str., 7
See on the map
Main office phone
+7(4012) 39-19-84
Contact email