The newspaper “Komsomolskaya” has summed up the legal results of 2023 and identified leaders in the legal market. K&P.Group Law Firm was ranked among the best in several categories at once.
Best Legal Practices: Federal Rating
Band 1 in the category “Arbitration proceedings. Mid-Market Commercial Dispute Resolution”
Band 1 in the category “Corporate bankruptcy: Mid-Market”
Band 2 in the category “Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction. Property disputes”
Band 2 in the Family and Inheritance Law category. Disputes about divorce, division of property and inherited assets”
Band 3 in the Intellectual Property category. Advice on intellectual property law”
Band 3 in the category “Tax Law. Advice on tax legislation”
Industry Best Practices: Federal Rating
The law office was included in the list of leaders in the “Art. Consulting in the field of art and cultural activities” and “Art: Disputes”
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