XII International IP Forum and master class for graduate students: where K&P.Group experts spoke in February 2024
The K&P.Group team members are recognized experts in the Russian legal market. This is why our partners and practice leaders are often invited to participate in external events.
The past week has been particularly productive in this regard.
Anna Molchanova, Head of IP Practice, took part in the XII International Legal Forum “Legal Protection of Intellectual Property: Problems of Theory and Practice”. Anna spoke at the round table “From Idea to Court: Forensic Expertise in Protecting Intellectual Property Rights”.
Senior Partner Vladimir Kochetov held a master class for master's students at the Moscow State Law Academy named after O. E. Kutafin under the discipline “Corporate Disputes”. Dina Shibzukhova, Head of Dispute Resolution Practice, also took an active part in the event.
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