Igor Ozersky, Managing Partner of K&P.Group, spoke at the Kremlin
Igor Ozersky, Managing Partner of K&P.Group, spoke at the Kremlin on the topic “Legal costs: what can you really recover from a losing opponent. Practice 2023”.
Today, the Kremlin hosted the 12th Legal Forum for Practitioners. This year, our law office became the general sponsor of the event. Igor Ozersky acted as a speaker.
In his speech, Igor Ozersky focused on the arbitration process and proposed criteria that should be taken into account when determining the reasonableness of legal costs:
the novelty and complexity of the issues raised during the consideration of the case;
skills required for the proper provision of legal services;
practice in similar cases;
the result;
time and labor required;
the amount related to the trial;
the conduct of other participants in the case, which could lead to an unjustified extension of the length of the proceedings;
the ratio of the amount involved and the result obtained;
time limits imposed by the client or circumstances;
the lawyer's refusal to take another job in connection with the acceptance of a particular case.
We have prepared detailed summary of Igor Ozersky's speech with links to all regulations and cases he mentioned in his speech.
Also, during a speech at a forum in the Kremlin, listeners asked Igor questions via chat. We have prepared responses on them.

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