K&P.Group representatives participated in the conference “Creative Industries and Retail: Business Development and Support in 2023. 360 degree view”
Anna Molchanova, Deputy Managing Partner and Head of Intellectual Property Practice at K&P.Group, spoke on the topic “Copyright infringement: how to prove the use of design? Current judicial practice”.
The expert said:
what is product design from a legal point of view;
what methods exist to protect product design rights;
what is the subject of evidence in design compensation cases and what evidence may be available.
Anna Molchanova also cited judicial practice on the topic.
Vladimir Kochetov, Senior Partner at K&P.Group, spoke on the topic “Responsibility of Top Managers: Current Issues”. The expert revealed such questions.
The correctness of the approach to the issue of the responsibility of top managers: who can be prosecuted and in what cases is used.
A civil suit against the head of the company for compensation for damages. Grounds, features of the review, evidence.
Requirements for bringing subsidiary liability to the head of the company in a bankruptcy case. The specifics of bankruptcy practice approaches to the actions of a manager as a controlling debtor, a study of business financing issues and the causes of debt, and typical situations.
General approaches to how to protect managers, possible measures for the preliminary formation of an evidence base.

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