The new website of writer Igor Ozersky
Igor Ozersky is not only an attorney and managing partner at one of the oldest law firms in Russia, but also a recognized writer of our time. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia, laureate of the Russian Literary Prize. The author's books are published not only in Russia but also abroad.
Igor Ozersky's works are riddled with symbols and are filled with deep meanings. They are highly appreciated by the literary community, and the author's books are presented in the library fund in Moscow.
Literary critics define Igor Ozersky's work as mysticism, psychology, philosophy and hyperrealism.
On new site you can get acquainted with Igor's work, read his works or listen to them in audio format. Some of the stories were voiced by actor Igor Vernik. Other works are also in the process of being voiced.
Works by Igor Ozersky:
- Roman “Unnamed”
- The saga of Princess Olga
- Story Long Dao
- Story “The Place”
- Story “Spiders and Gods”
- Story “The Ark-1”
- Story Bridge
- Story Desert Children
- Story “On the other side”
- Story “The Sphinx looks east”...
... and many more
Visit the site and discover new facets of reality.
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