K&P.Group experts are included in the individual ranking of lawyers “Pravo-300"
For the fifth year in a row, the Pravo-300 Rating has published individual recommendations from lawyers. This time, 2,640 top legal advisors were among the recommended ones.
The list of leaders includes:
Igor Ozersky, Managing Partner in the Arbitration (Medium and Small Commercial Disputes: Mid Market) industry;
Natalya Kanishevskaya, Chairman of the Board of Senior Partners, in the “Arbitration Proceedings (Medium and Small Commercial Disputes: Mid Market)” industry;
Vladimir Kochetov, Senior Partner in the fields of Arbitration (Medium and Small Commercial Disputes: Mid Market) and Bankruptcy (Mid Market Disputes);
Viktoria Kanishevskaya, Head of Tax Practice in the Tax Consulting and Disputes (Consulting) Industry;
Daria Shushkevich, Head of Private Clients Practice in the Family and Inheritance Law Industry;
Nadezhda Emelina, Head of Bankruptcy Practice in the “Bankruptcy (Mid Market Disputes)” industry;
Dina Shibzukhova, Head of Dispute Resolution Practice in the “Arbitration Procedure (Medium and Small Commercial Disputes: Mid Market)” industry.
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