We have reached an amicable agreement on the most favorable terms for the client
What happened
The ex-husband of K&P.Group's client tried to separate her company and car in court. He claimed that this was the only jointly acquired property.
What did K&P.Group's lawyers do
It was found out that when married, the couple built a house on a plot owned by their ex-husband. The house itself was not registered before the divorce. And when construction was completed, the cost of the interior furnishings alone was estimated at 30 million rubles.
When the husband found out that his wife wanted a divorce, he gave the land along with the house to his friend. The documents indicated that there are no buildings on the site. A month later, a friend registered the house in his name, as if he had built it himself.
The client's ex-husband also sold two cars purchased during the marriage, each worth about 10 million rubles.
The lawyers suggested that the parties enter into an amicable agreement. Under its terms, the client renounces claims to the house and cars sold, but receives an apartment that the ex-husband bought before marriage. She's still left with her business and the car she uses.
At first, the ex-husband withdrew from the settlement agreement. Then the lawyers increased their claims and filed several petitions at once: to search for the ex-husband's bank accounts, evaluate the cars sold and examine the limitation period for the construction of the disputed house.
It turned out that shortly before the divorce, the husband withdrew millions of rubles from the account, which could also be filed for the section. The ex-husband did not wait for an examination of the limitation period for the construction of the house and agreed to all the terms of the settlement agreement.
The outcome of the case
The parties concluded an amicable agreement with favorable terms for the client.
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