K&P.Group Law Firm and partner offices are again among the leaders in the legal market
On December 7, 2023, an award ceremony was held for the leaders of the Pravo-300 national rating. We are happy to announce that K&P.Group is once again among the leaders in the legal market.
Federal rating
Victory in the special category “International Development”
Group I in the category “Arbitration proceedings: commercial disputes (mid market)”
Group II in the category “Bankruptcy: mid market disputes”
Group II in the category “Dispute resolution in courts of general jurisdiction”
Group II in the category “Family and Inheritance Law”
Group III in the category “Sanctions Law”
Group III in the category “Tax consulting and disputes (consulting)”
Group III in the category “Retail, FMCG, Catering”
Group IV in the category “Intellectual Property (Consulting)”
Group IV in the category “Criminal Law”
Group IV in the category “Real Estate, Land, Construction (Consulting)”
Regional ranking
K&P.Group partner offices also took the leading positions in the Pravo-300 ranking.
Krasnodar Territory Law Office “Sworn Attorney” — Group II in the category “Arbitration Proceedings (Major Disputes: High Market)” and Group III in the category “Dispute Resolution in Courts of General Jurisdiction”
SHAGI Law Firm (St. Murmansk) — Group II in the category “Arbitration Proceedings (Medium and Small Disputes: mid market)” and Group III in the category “Real Estate, Land, Construction”

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